CBS Equipment

- Jerry Piercy
- 169 Mine Academy Drive
Beaver, WV 25813 (681) 207-7222
(681) 207-7133
ChemBio Shelter DBA CBS Equipment is committed to supplying mining companies with reliable, inventive, quality equipment as well as top notch, 24/7, customer service and support. With over 30 years’ experience in the mining industry designing, building and repairing all types of mining equipment, CBS Equipment can provide you with the equipment needed to get the job done. We are able to customize any equipment to meet your needs and we house parts and equipment to meet your demand in the field. We guarantee our equipment and offer lifetime service, inspections and maintenance to our customers.
CBS Equipment is the original inventor and patent holder of the LifeShelter™ refuge chambers for underground mines. LifeShelters™ can be custom manufactured and are also available for rent via our website. With mine safety at the forefront of our operations, we manufacture Enviro Curtains (CO2 Scrubbing Curtains) that can be customized for usage in virtually any space. In addition, CBS Equipment manufactures and designs various types of Rockdusting Equipment for our mining partners.
For equipment, service or training inquiries, please contact us directly at (681) 207-7133. To view our products or for more information, please visit our website at
- Coal Support Services
- Consulting Services
- Equipment Sales & Rentals
- OEM Supplier